Jeffrey Nils Gardner

Audio Producer/Director/Artist

More Detail:

The Museum at Tomorrow is an audio fiction collage miniseries created by Jeffrey Nils Gardner which debuted in July of 2019.

Unlike much of my previous work, this miniseries did not follow the writing-revision-dialogue-recording-scoring process. A central narrative was outlined, then improvised and recorded. This provided the skeleton form the piece- a guide to build from. This replaced the traditional script of an audio fiction story.

From there, I went through and replaced each beat of the monologue with another compositional element- a cut from an interview, a description of an artifact or piece of art from a museum, a sound, or a piece of music. Multiple voices are allowed to overlap to create a contrapuntal soundscape- complicating the listening experience.

You can download a press packet for the Museum at Tomorrow here.

Welcome to the Museum

What is this?

The Museum at Tomorrow is a new audio fiction miniseries by Jeffrey Nils Gardner.

Where can I hear it?

You can listen on Apple Podcasts, via RSS, or any other major podcatcher!

Miniseries? So you know how long it will be?

5 episodes. I think.

What kind of release schedule is this going to be on?

Honestly- it won’t. Maybe monthly-ish? Part of the delight of this show is the freedom to each episode be done when it is done- some will fly off the DAW, some will take a lot more time. But I’ll be sure to let you know when they are coming out.


First and foremost, this work owes a huge amount to two incredible sound professionals who guided, challenged, and encouraged me throughout the process- Neil Verma and Sarah Geis. Without their feedback this piece would be FAR more pedestrian than it is today.

Thank you to everyone who listened to drafts, provided feedback, and helped with the production, including Betsey Palmer, Eleanor Hyde, Megan Lubin, David Rheinstrom, Philip Gaissert, Jonsey Jones, Cara Ehlenfeldt, Olivia Block, and Stephan Moore.

Finally, thank you to everyone with the Northwestern University Sound Arts and Industries program, which provided an ideal incubating environment for a strange piece of work like this.